A New Start

I figure that I cannot write about mental illness all the time. It gets overwhelming. Thus I decided to start a series of blogs on wonders of nature. I got inspired the other day, when I was taking pictures of frozen webs, threads of ice on dry blossoms and green leaves rimmed with ice. I took a walk in a forest near my home and was amazed again, how I always notice something interesting, no matter how often I go there. In addition to that I have noticed that I have fallen in a trap called ‘analysis paralysis’. Self-analysis is a useful way of evolving as a human being, but I also need a break....
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Comparing Myself to Others

Oh, no, my colleagues from high-school all have high paying jobs! Oh, no, all my girl-friends already have children! Oh, no, all my neighbors are happier than me! Does it sound familiar? Where do you feel the pain? I feel it in my heart. When I am stupid enough to compare myself to others of course. I broke the habit of constantly comparing myself to others, but it still happens occasionally. Whenever I read a book written by a wise person, it says we should only compare ‘ourselves today’ with ‘ourselves a while ago’. But our mind so easily gets distracted by comparisons with the more...
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