Share Compassion

In these difficult times, when we go through one personal crisis after another and sometimes life feels like a roller coaster, we find ourselves often turning to Eastern philosophy for answers. Compassion seems to be one of the keywords of many Buddhist scripts and other religious texts of the East. Not being absent from the Bible it still appears to strike out more in Eastern religious and philosophical texts. Compassion had also become a buzzword in new age literature and self help books of the West, like those written by Louise Hay, Phyllis Krystal and many others. Yet I find myself wondering HOW...
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The Exact Diagnosis

People often find similarities in my story, even though they might have a different diagnosis from mine which is schizoaffective disorder. I have recently written the following lines as an answer to an e-mail. I find them interesting for others as well: Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the exact diagnosis does not matter that much. Also there are cases when people get totally O.K. in their thirties, even though they have been diagnosed with ‘chronic’. So do not despair! The western medicine (psychiatry) does not believe that our lifestyle can help the illness, but they...
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