Christmas Cards in January

I had a good plan at the beginning of December about Christmas cards for my relatives. I wanted to draw them myself. I managed to come up with a sketch of a skiing dwarf and I thought I would draw variations of that dwarf with color pencils. That was the original plan. It turned out quite differently. I used to prepare paper and color pencils several times a week, but week after week they just lied there on the table. I never started to draw. I felt horrible about it for almost a month, until it got too late to make Christmas cards myself anyway and I bought some instead. It was only in January this...
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Why Strive for Something Better, When Lichen Will Do

The key to a peaceful life is taking control of your wishes. One extreme is trying to make all your wishes true. That way you are unfocused, constantly drawn away from important things and in danger of losing what really matters in life, like health or family bliss for example. The other extreme is trying to achieve nirvana or the state without wishes. Nirvana is the minute before dying in your last incarnation, so take it easy – you can have some wishes, just make sure you don’t overdo it. Some things are not meant to be, thus you should let go of some wishes. Another common mistake is having...
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