Posted by Helena Smole in Phyllis Krystal method
on Oct 28th, 2013
I do not have a garden, but if I did, I am sure I would prefer perennials to annuals. I have an inexplicable reluctance to throw things away. When I buy clothes for example, I hope to be able to wear them for years. I would rather have two pieces that last than ten pieces that need replacement every year.
The last car my husband and I owned was totally broken and could not be mended anymore, when we finally said goodbye to it and sold it to a mechanic that still saw some useful parts in it that could be taken out and re-used. It looks like the car we own now will see the same destiny. Needless to add...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Oct 14th, 2013
I have been thinking lately, what a career is. Is it about making a lot of money? Not necessarily. In some professions yes in others not. In my opinion the essence of a career is the feeling of ‘being somebody’.
The feeling sounds nice as far as the individual is concerned, but what does this orientation do to the society? It becomes more and more comprised of individuals trying to stand out. There is less and less glue among people and the society starts falling apart.
Career-oriented view of life is an intrinsic part of up-bringing and schooling. I never questioned it until I realized...