Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Mar 31st, 2014
Bible stories, in my opinion, like fairy tales should not be taken too literally. The point of the story stays the same, but the historical situation changes and one must live in the present tense. Let me give you an example. Some time ago I saw a theater show performed by local youth. The story was from the Bible. The wife of an alcoholic is told to love her husband even more and her intense love and forgiveness would cure him.
Today we know that love only helps the ones that are not too deeply addicted. The majority needs professional help and usually a double ultimatum from the wife and from the...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Mar 17th, 2014
I remember our math professor in high-school saying once: “I hope they never invent the formula for love. It would be the end of the world.” I got seriously scared for love at that point. Today, however, the fear is completely gone. We cannot even come up with a uniform definition of love, let alone a formula.
Thousands of love novels and love poems are telling us about love. Thousands of authors have described love as it feels to them. And still there are new novels, poems and songs every day. Love cannot be fully put in words once and for all. We cannot define it like Newton defined the basic...
Posted by Helena Smole in Phyllis Krystal method
on Mar 3rd, 2014
There used to be a lot of creativity in people’s lives before the technology era. They just did not call it that way. They had no radio, so they sang. One can still notice in old movies that singing was more than normal. People would work on something and sing. They could easily alter the melody or make up their own tunes, for it was just spare time activity, not a profession. Today on the other hand, if we hear somebody sing, the first question we ask is: Is (s)he manic?
Let us name other examples of creativity in the old days. In the evening there was no TV to tell stories, so people told stories...