A Blog for the Future

I have been observing for some time now, how people with integrity acquire important positions in society and they soon give up, because they get too heavily criticized. The ones with less integrity usually do not care much about criticism and keep their leading positions. What can we do about it? At the first glance, nothing. Especially, if we do not work with people in leading positions. But what if there is a thing we can do anyway? I believe, each human being can add a little bit to the mosaic called a better future. We can start with our family, friends, neighbors, colleagues at work,...
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Too Much Pressure on the Parents

Psychologist find that there are two kinds of parents: – Those, who do not care much about how they will raise a child. – Those, who care about it and either do their best by using common sense or visit seminars and read books about upbringing. I would like to say something to the second group. Let me offer some comfort I rarely see written anywhere: – It is impossible to raise a child without any ‘mini traumas’. Let me name a few examples. For instance, somebody likes many pictures and other adornments on walls, because he/she totally disliked empty white walls in his childhood....
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A New Girl in Town

I have discovered recently, that one of the most important things in life is to know what you want. If you do not know, what you want, you cannot get anywhere and usually it is everybody else’s fault. I gave notice at a well paid job six years ago and it has not been easy since then. Almost simultaneously with quitting the job, my husband and I also moved from the capital of Slovenia to a smaller town. I had to build everything from scratch: a new job, new friends, a new balance. A new job is being a writer. It is far from being simple. I am also the publisher, which means I have to push myself to...
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