Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Oct 26th, 2015
As I see the world today, we are given more and more freedom. What we do not realize many times is that with freedom there also comes responsibility. What do I mean by that?
Firstly, there is the freedom of other people that sets limits to us. The judgement, where we should draw the line is difficult and it is extremely easy to make a mistake. But the freedom is ours, this is one of the traits of the New Age, and slowly we will learn to make better choices. Of course mistakes are the only way to learn. My country, Slovenia, joined the freedom of democracy in 1991, but we will learn too. It takes...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Oct 12th, 2015
Do you often find yourself between two fires? How does the role of the peacemaker fit you? Are your successful at it? Our friend Mary, the main female character from a fantasy novel with romance ‘Out of the Forest and into the City’ was not able to alleviate the following bickering between her boyfriend’s mother Gertrude and her daughter-in-law Alice:
‘Gertrude really started shouting this time. She hoped she could chase the little devil from the staircase with her deep voice, but Alice wouldn’t give in:
“Old women like you belong in a home. Instead we are putting up with you...