Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Nov 21st, 2016
Now, when I am over 40 already, I think I have finally embraced cleaning as it is. I am writing right after 3 hours of cleaning doors and doorframes in our apartment. A thing not everybody cleans. It is a specialty for the assiduous. Yes, that must be it, I have finally embraced cleaning. I do not even feel exhausted. I do not think “Oh, what a waste of time.” I actually sense pleasure and accomplishment.
This feeling is new to me for I have always hated cleaning. I found it boring at the least and, to some extent, unnecessary at the worst. Today, I am aware that an apartment or a house is in fact...
Posted by Helena Smole in Schizoaffective disorder
on Nov 7th, 2016
It ignites like a spark in your brain.
It flickers for a moment and then again and again.
You try to chase it away, but it won’t go,
You tell it to stop existing, yet it says ‘No’.
You know it’s easy to get rid of while still small.
But it stays in your brain having a ball.
Despite all your efforts to extinguish the spark
It keeps multiplying like in a village the dogs’ bark.
Pretty soon all your brain cells are burning,
And your stomach slowly starts turning.
You feel a nasty pain in your chest,
Your hands tremble and there is no rest.
Your new worry soon invites her brothers and...