Judging People by Their Profession

Medical doctors are probably the number one of highly esteemed professionals or close to that in most people’s minds. That is, in my opinion, one of the reasons why it is so hard to accept their mistakes. We think they are god-like creatures and gods do not make mistakes. In reality they are only human and bound to make bad decisions at least at some points in their lives. They can for example have an illness themselves and this causes their concentration to lower. Or it can even happen on a good day and turns out to be a simple blunder. Another example of bias regarding people’s profession is...
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The Primary Essence of Fear

I have found out recently that my anxiety is in a way primary and the reason for it are secondary. How did I discover that? For every fear which appears in my mind I try to find a consolation. And when I soothe myself regarding one fear, another one appears. Some days I eventually calm down, but on bad days the train of fears is endless. This is, in my opinion, because anxiety is there no matter what the circumstances of my life are. And my mind attaches secondary reasons to anxiety. Sometimes I still feel anxiety, even when I have managed to mentally remove all reasons for fears. It feels like a...
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