Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Apr 23rd, 2019
Imagine our planet would be a planet of friends.
Imagine five friends set up a date to meet over cakes and coffee. They are supposed to meet at five, but the organizing one allows the other four to be late. He waits patiently for half an hour and then orders a chocolate cake. Instead of being impatient and angry, because somehow he has hoped that at least one of the four would show up a little after five, he enjoys the music in the coffee shop, observes customers and waiters and the time flies. At a quarter to six the first invited friend shows up, and at six the second one. They chat joyfully till...
Posted by Helena Smole in Improved self-image
on Apr 9th, 2019
I try to publish a new blog post every fortnight, but I do not force myself to do it, if there is no inspiration to write. One post every second Monday amounts to about 25 texts a year, which is my usual amount. If you check the last two years, you will see that I only posted 15 times in 2017 and only 7 times in 2018. I embraced it. I believe inspiration is a gift and should be treated with gratitude, when it happens. But, of course, I do not make my living by writing, which makes this whole thing possible.
I always expect the inspiration with joy and fear, the fear of not getting one before two weeks...