The Excitement and the Inner Peace

The flamboyant colors of smoke tree.

The flamboyant colors of smoke tree.

Youth, flamboyant with emotion.

In love with the clouds and the sun.

The twenties full of love motion.

Choosing profession on the run.

Making the most important life decisions

At that frail age without experience.

Needing space and parent’s provisions.

Excitement seeming like the deliverance.


Flamboyant metaphors losing power.

The heart singing modest melodies.

In face of life’s middle in flower.

Silently approaching the fifties.

Listening to the music of our youth.

Trying to find meaning in our results.

As you can never feed the sweet tooth.

You can also never at fifty do somersaults.


Yet, there is no inner peace at fifty,

Were our adolescent dreams not so nifty.


Take care,

Helena Smole, author of:

– a fantasy novel with romance Vivvy and Izzy the Dwarf: A series about relationships

Balancing the Beast, a book offering a bright view of schizoaffective disorder ˗ bipolar or manic-depressive type

2 Responses to “ “The Excitement and the Inner Peace”

  1. Dani Sersha says:

    I liked your poems very much much. You really have a sincere “way with words.

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