My Mind Is Like a Little Boy

My mind is like a little boy, Who makes everything his toy. Unaware of any danger – I have to be its constant ranger. I tell it to stay away from detail – Most of the time to no avail. I remind it to stop looking for guilt – It finds not some, but a whole quilt. I put stress on not living in the future – Yet how much anxiety my mind will nurture. I cannot leave it alone for a moment. It gets restless, loose and impatient.   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance Vivvy and Izzy the Dwarf: A series about relationships – Balancing the Beast, a book...
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Love. Love. Love.

Love is like a gentle breeze, Oddly makes you neither sweat nor sneeze. Very deeply in the heart it resides, Equanimity and peace it provides.   Love turns plural into dual, Owns not though and does not duel. Veracity of affection at its core, Ever happy and not wanting for more.   Love softly brings up a child, On one hand stern on the other mild. Veil of young age once removed, Everlasting sense of losing gently soothed.   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance Vivvy and Izzy the Dwarf: A series about relationships – Balancing the Beast, a book...
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The Gray and the White

Throughout history from now to then, Full of gray people, yet few among them, Those who make the pale part of black and white, Those who stand tall come what might.   Their company we seek and fully enjoy, They bring back hope and new energy employ. Immortalized in fairy tales because they are few, They make us believe in good and fair all anew.   No matter what society systems we install, With decades we gradually spoil it all. Yet deep inside we all gratefully know That the handful of white will eternally glow.   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance...
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A Love Poem in Computer Words

The soothing algorithm of his touch – That’s what makes her love him so much. And the machine learning of her brain, That makes few words of hers be said in vain. The cookies gathered from their babbling Fill up the computer space but only for a twinkling. It’s the chat box at the southeast of his screen, Where she pops up like a scintillating heart beam. Together their brain cells form some kind of a web With wireless transmission like flow and ebb.   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance Vivvy and Izzy the Dwarf: A series about relationships –...
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Friendship. Subtle as an early-spring-breeze. A buoyant flower that does not make you sneeze. Travelling through our hearts with light luggage. Still it adds to banks of emotional knowledge.   Sometimes we do not see a friend for ten years. We finally meet and we cannot believe our ears. The ode of our bond still sings in the heart. The flame in the chest knows time to outsmart.   Other times a friend forever disappears. Moves to a distant land or the death nears. Still the friend will visit us in dreams. The sights will be more real than it seems.   Take care, Helena Smole, author...
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