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The Gray and the White

Throughout history from now to then, Full of gray people, yet few among them, Those who make the pale part of black and white, Those who stand tall come what might.   Their company we seek and fully enjoy, They bring back hope and new energy employ. Immortalized in fairy tales because they are few, They make us believe in good and fair all anew.   No matter what society systems we install, With decades we gradually spoil it all. Yet deep inside we all gratefully know That the handful of white will eternally glow.   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance...
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A Christmas Poem in English, Slovenian and German

A bright moment not far Like a shooting star Bursting over the sky, Singing the heart’s lullaby.   Svetli trenutek kot zvezdni utrinek šine čez nebo. Pri srcu je toplo.   Eine helle Weile wie eine Sternschnuppe in Eile schnellt über den Himmel. Herzwärme für immer.   I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Želim vam vesel božič in srečno novo leto! Ich wünsche euch freue Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr!   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance Vivvy and Izzy the Dwarf: A series about relationships –...
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The Excitement and the Inner Peace

Youth, flamboyant with emotion. In love with the clouds and the sun. The twenties full of love motion. Choosing profession on the run. Making the most important life decisions At that frail age without experience. Needing space and parent’s provisions. Excitement seeming like the deliverance.   Flamboyant metaphors losing power. The heart singing modest melodies. In face of life’s middle in flower. Silently approaching the fifties. Listening to the music of our youth. Trying to find meaning in our results. As you can never feed the sweet tooth. You can also never at fifty do...
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Balancing the Beast. A Poem.

Remembrances – The stinging tails of old happenings. Every little detail of my life’s history Gnawing at my soul.   Yet in the distance a shimmering light – Full of warmth and utterly bright, Bringing about love and faith Making the past free of weight.   Haunted by the bad times, Enchanted by the good times. Forever balancing the beast, Letting the future grow like yeast.   Take care, Helena Smole, author of: – a fantasy novel with romance Vivvy and Izzy the Dwarf: A series about relationships – Balancing the Beast, a book offering a bright view of schizoaffective...
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Restoring the Equilibrium

I read a couple of times, I do not remember anymore where, that the basic principle of nature is disintegration. From dust accumulating on shelves, to food going bad in our stomachs, to brown leaves in autumn and finally the most dreaded growing old. We struggle all our lives to restore the equilibrium. We fall ill, we struggle to get healthy again. The apartment in winter needs constant heating. We eat and eat, but we always have to eat some more to stay healthy and alive. There are accidents, we repair damage and live with what we cannot mend. If we stop struggling, we die, either of famine or...
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