Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Sep 18th, 2017
Medical doctors are probably the number one of highly esteemed professionals or close to that in most people’s minds. That is, in my opinion, one of the reasons why it is so hard to accept their mistakes. We think they are god-like creatures and gods do not make mistakes. In reality they are only human and bound to make bad decisions at least at some points in their lives. They can for example have an illness themselves and this causes their concentration to lower. Or it can even happen on a good day and turns out to be a simple blunder.
Another example of bias regarding people’s profession is...
Posted by Helena Smole in Schizoaffective disorder
on Jun 5th, 2017
Recently, I have come across an author who writes 5 books a year (Jerry Jenkins). I must say I am on the other side of the pole here – I write 1 book in 5 years. I have finally realized that comparison with others will get me nowhere. I have also no intention of fighting the so called writer’s block. I will write when inspired and no other way. Of course I must add that I am not making my living by writing. I am a financially (and emotionally!) supported wife. Also: I should not work too hard, otherwise my schizoaffective disorder gets worse. Still, sometimes I cannot comprehend why I get...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Jan 4th, 2016
As I have perceived it, the old definition of a strong person would be something like this: A strong personality has someone, who is stubborn, who prefers to give orders to obeying them, somebody, who is not easily brought to tears.
Yet, times change and the New Age, in my opinion, calls for a new definition. One reads about the new human being often enough in all kinds of texts. I will try to sum up, what I have come up with so far. And I will be really glad to hear your comments. A strong person in the New Age would be somebody compassionate and humble enough to forgive.
Here I must stress that...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Mar 30th, 2015
I have been observing for some time now, how people with integrity acquire important positions in society and they soon give up, because they get too heavily criticized. The ones with less integrity usually do not care much about criticism and keep their leading positions.
What can we do about it? At the first glance, nothing. Especially, if we do not work with people in leading positions. But what if there is a thing we can do anyway? I believe, each human being can add a little bit to the mosaic called a better future.
We can start with our family, friends, neighbors, colleagues at work,...