Posted by Helena Smole in Phyllis Krystal method
on Mar 3rd, 2014
There used to be a lot of creativity in people’s lives before the technology era. They just did not call it that way. They had no radio, so they sang. One can still notice in old movies that singing was more than normal. People would work on something and sing. They could easily alter the melody or make up their own tunes, for it was just spare time activity, not a profession. Today on the other hand, if we hear somebody sing, the first question we ask is: Is (s)he manic?
Let us name other examples of creativity in the old days. In the evening there was no TV to tell stories, so people told stories...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Feb 3rd, 2014
I would never sell the dish-washer and the laundry-machine, for I am too lazy to do all the washing myself. Yet, there is a thing I discovered: the more machines do for you at home, the more you will have to exercises and pay for it too.
When I left my job as a scientific researcher years ago, I started writing my first book. Yet, I did not think very highly of it. In my eyes I became a housewife. And my self-esteem suffered a low blow.
Today, five years from the moment I stopped pursuing a career, I am beginning to value the housework.
Firstly, it is work that deserves respect as any other honest...
Posted by Helena Smole in Improved self-image
on Jan 6th, 2014
When I was a child, my mother never bought me a Barbie doll. Still there have been more than enough images along the way that made me think I was fat.
The thought got intensified when doctors told me to lose weight. I wasn’t really fat, only swollen from tranquilizers I was taking.
I kept looking at the fatness of my bottom in mirrors for years and I always found myself fat. The subconscious, full of photoshoped images of models, would not accept the fact that in mirrors objects appear larger.
I had a ‘panic attack’ every time they would not keep larger sizes of clothes in stores. The...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Dec 9th, 2013
It’s not always easy to get angry at the right person, even in a civilized way. Examples:
-it might be your boss and it is more tactical to stay quiet;
– the person may be dead;
– politicians are hard to reach on personal level;
– etc.
What we should not do is get angry at the next non-expecting fellow that happens to run into us. There is another way – you can transform the anger into physical work or exercise. I remember my father cutting wood and swearing. Well, we did need wood to warm up the house, but I think it was also his outlet for anger. Or my mother flattening...
Posted by Helena Smole in Relationships
on Nov 25th, 2013
A true friend is not a true friend to Mary, John and Bob. A true friend is a true friend to everyone. That is his/her nature. It’s someone with a big heart that would never hurt anyone on purpose, only by mistake or under extreme conditions.
A true friend may be someone I have not seen in years. But the moment I see him/her again, it’s like we have never parted. The second I glimpse the face I am overwhelmed with happiness and so is he/she. Neither of us says anything stupid like: “Where have you been all these years?” or “Why haven’t you called?” It feels like the five years have...