Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

May this year life give you a break from the first blossom to the last snowflake. Be fit and determined to reach all your goals. May destiny serve you year round delicious bowls. © Helena Smole, 2014
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Practical Religion

Are there more lives or just one? With this dilemma I am done. What matters is to always be fair. Which makes it easy to make friends everywhere. I was not raised in any religious way. And since I was a diligent student, I believed in science. Life had many surprises in store for me though. Exploring alternative psychology in my thirties I involuntarily started to explore the spiritual level of human existence. I liked the idea of reincarnation right away, because it gives us so many opportunities to make things right. I found it much more gentle than the harsh catholic...
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The Trap of Success

Success is such a sacred word in our Western world that it is rarely questioned. As long as you can measure something and compare it with others it is a potential success. Consequently, the Westerners have neglected things that cannot be measured: love, trust, health, honesty. A man is successful, if he makes a lot of money. If, on the other hand, his colleague at work makes less money but is a lot nicer to his wife, this other colleague is not successful. Kindness is not only hard to measure, it is also a private thing. And in order to show success one has to concentrate on public things like money...
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Love and Fear

One can smell it here and sense it there: the big old fear these days is everywhere. A glance at ads telling us we are ugly, fat and old suffices to make us feel everything else but bold. Love, the heart’s fuel, is of another kind: it is a rare jewel, these days hard to find. Love is like a beggar in a busy street: few have time for him to meet. Fear, like a virus, is easy to catch, whenever two uncertain hearts match. Love on the other hand is more difficult to spread: only the open hearts can taste its bread. The darkness of fear can only prevail until the heart is under its veil. To the light of...
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The Enigma of Forgiveness

Bible stories, in my opinion, like fairy tales should not be taken too literally. The point of the story stays the same, but the historical situation changes and one must live in the present tense. Let me give you an example. Some time ago I saw a theater show performed by local youth. The story was from the Bible. The wife of an alcoholic is told to love her husband even more and her intense love and forgiveness would cure him. Today we know that love only helps the ones that are not too deeply addicted. The majority needs professional help and usually a double ultimatum from the wife and from the...
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